This is one of the services included in . To be able to use it you must have previously activated the product. If you have already done so, you can send us any suspicious files or files that cannot be disinfected at this moment (new viruses, etc.).
It is advisable to ensure you have this file under control and isolate it from the rest. By doing this, if the file is actually infected, you will prevent it from infecting the rest. This is why the Quarantine exists. Through this section you can isolate all suspicious files. For more information about the Quarantine, or about how to quarantine files, consult the Quarantine section in this Help.
Before sending suspicious files you must ensure the program is up-to-date.
Click Quarantine in the main window.
Select the file (or files) in quarantine that you want to send and click Send to.
You can select more than one file at the time by pressing the Ctrl key
on your keyboard while clicking the files).
You will see a wizard that will take you through the process. Follow the instructions displayed on screen.
You can also send files to our experts from the icon on the Windows Taskbar (next to the system clock):
Right-click the icon on the Taskbar (next to the system clock).
Click View files in Quarantine (this option only appears if there are files in quarantine).
Select the file or files you want to send and click Send.
Follow the instructions displayed on screen.